Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Moving on

Well, I was so excited last night cuz I got to get two new pairs of pants and a pair of dress boots for work. However, the trying on clothes part was awful! I REALLY need to lose this 55 pounds! So, this morning I packed my work out clothes and am going to go work out today at lunch. Maybe later I will even go to the rec. center and walk the track.

Last night on the way home my husband and I got to talking about how I feel about losing weight, or anything for that matter. I always start something but never finish. Is it because I am afraid I will succeed. Could be. Is it that I am afraid if I lose weight I will actually succeed at something and then want to be on my own and do my own thing. My husband said, "lets take the chance hon". I think he said that because he knows I will feel so much better about myself if I just lose the weight. I won't be depressed, I won't be sad, I won't get these stupid migraines all the time and I will be happy.

So, today I start (for the 101 time) to watch what I eat and work out every day! I even put my pedometor on today! My goal is to lose 55 pounds by this time next year! Shouldn't be too hard if I do it the right way!! That is a little more then 4 pounds a month. I need to do this for me!

I need to do this to show myself I can do something and finish it! I need to prove that I am a strong person and I can do anything!!!

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